I think you might lose a little bit of gain, but no sonic difference in quality. You can render it, or as some of my clients are really worthy to be pitched and thankful for it I have many edits, so I just hit B which bounces it to track. I can't remember is that is the default or I did it, but I think the default. Choose the suspicious phrase, I think Control R will open it in Melodyne. This is to have something to go back to and compare with if needed. What I normally do is make a backup copy of the entire vocal track. I can hear the sharpness and flatness and it ain't pretty. I really don't think anything compares with Melodyne and my vocals are the same. Do you know how I commit a change to the audio track after I've cleaned it up in Meoldyne, or is that not possible? Later I might still buy the Ovox, but this will keep me busy for a while. I'll pay the $99 but I'll wait a few weeks and maybe they'll send me a discount offer, Thanks for the tip. It seems to be a step ahead of Waves Tune overall. I'll try using it's automatic functions next, but if I have to spend a few minutes manually fixing my vocals by dragging the blobs around, I can live with that. This is a "Where have you been all my life?" moment. I spent 5 minutes dragging the blobs (notes) around and double-clicking them to tune them based on my correct notes. Maybe I'll go back and run this on some recordings I did 30 years ago to see if I was really much closer.

I tried my first fix in Melodyne with the first line of my verse. And also always start your project applying a global key signature, timing and tempo so that all of the smart plugins can conform to instructions.

Other factors also include background noise, mismatched impedance, dc offset, bad diaphragm on the microphone that bends easily at the slightest of breathing or change of room air pressure, and of course any noise with a pitch going in in the background is going to cause auto pitch correction inaccuracies. Only times they catch the right scale and pitch is when the vocalist is having an unusually great day or when I have someone with perfect pitch.

The red circle on the x scale marker - the note is so off pitch that it falls on the very ends of note into the next note as you can see the green line tracing the very bottom of that square which means it’s extremely flat for that pitch.Īlso, my years spent using note and scale identifiers has never been more than 80% accurate, and those 80% times were very few. You can delete them but Waves will just keep Re detect them and they pose no issue leaving them be. Circled blue are just breaths or “sss” and various noises that we naturally create.